One of the most basic things necessary to protecting Lake Champlain - stop the bad stuff from getting in. Pollution comes in many forms, each of which requires a unique and thorough approach. Nutrients, sewage, pharmaceuticals, sediment, oils and other run off from urban streets, trash - none of these things belong in our waters.
Our pollution prevention programs help home owners and businesses take tangible steps toward reducing their impact, while also approaching prevention from a policy angle so that we are taking the right steps to protect our water.
“LCI represents many Vermonters and pushes for clean water. They are an advocate group that works educating the public about city and town polluters within the state and identifies those incidents. They also pressure towns / cities / state government to improve the water quality and challenges them to raise the bar with improvements to the infrastructure. They also work trying to make farms accountable for fertilizer / manure run-off with videos of those incidents to show people where those sources occur. There goal is for a cleaner Lake Champlain and inland lakes and streams in Vermont / NY / Quebec.”